6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #5
By Friday, September 2
Vocabulary Quiz
Friday, September 2
Work on song
For: Tomorrow, Thursday, September 1
This blog provides information about TPA's drama programs, as well as class assignments, projects, and performances. The blog also offers special tidbits on theatre history, what's going on currently theatre-wise around the greater Phoenix area, and commentary by the Drama Mama herself.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza 4
For: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 31
Work on song
For: Thursday, September 1
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza 4
For: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 31
Work on song
For: Thursday, September 1
Monday, August 29, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
6th Graders:
Memorize Mother T., Phrase 3
For: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 30
On your Vocabulary Sheet write down
what you think the word ensemble means,
and then look up the definitions in the
dictionary and write those down on your
sheet as well
For: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 30
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza 4
For: Wednesday, August 31
Work on song
For: Thursday, September 1
6th Graders:
Memorize Mother T., Phrase 3
For: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 30
On your Vocabulary Sheet write down
what you think the word ensemble means,
and then look up the definitions in the
dictionary and write those down on your
sheet as well
For: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 30
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza 4
For: Wednesday, August 31
Work on song
For: Thursday, September 1
Friday, August 26, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #3
For: Monday, August 29
Write Lazzi Project Reflection in your journal
Due: Monday, August 29
Spotlight Form and song lyrics
Due: Monday, August 29
A cappella singing performance
Thursday, September 1
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #3
For: Monday, August 29
Write Lazzi Project Reflection in your journal
Due: Monday, August 29
Spotlight Form and song lyrics
Due: Monday, August 29
A cappella singing performance
Thursday, September 1
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #3
For: Monday, August 29
Finish preparations for final
Lazzi Project performance
Tomorrow: Friday, August 26
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #3
For: Monday, August 29
Finish preparations for final
Lazzi Project performance
Tomorrow: Friday, August 26
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
6th Graders:
Be sure to have first two stanzas
of Jabberwocky and first two
phrases of Mother T. memorized
For: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 25
Look up and write down dictionary
definitions of the words commit/
commitment on your Vocab. Sheet
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 25
Work A LOT on your Lazzi Project
Be sure to meet criteria on grading rubric
Last rehearsal is tomorrow
Final Performance = Friday, August 26
6th Graders:
Be sure to have first two stanzas
of Jabberwocky and first two
phrases of Mother T. memorized
For: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 25
Look up and write down dictionary
definitions of the words commit/
commitment on your Vocab. Sheet
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 25
Work A LOT on your Lazzi Project
Be sure to meet criteria on grading rubric
Last rehearsal is tomorrow
Final Performance = Friday, August 26
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #2
Due: Thursday, August 25
12th Graders:
Continue working on Lazzi Project
Final Performance: Friday, August 26
Read p. 12-16, Commedia packet(s)
For: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 24
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #2
Due: Thursday, August 25
12th Graders:
Continue working on Lazzi Project
Final Performance: Friday, August 26
Read p. 12-16, Commedia packet(s)
For: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 24
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday, August 22, 2011
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #2
For: Thursday, August 25
Memorize Mother T., Phrase 2
For: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23
If you did not finish your "Emotional Scale"
in class, please complete it at home
this evening.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23
Work on Lazzi Project
Group Form due tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23
Final Performance: Friday, August 26
6th Graders:
Memorize Jabberwocky, Stanza #2
For: Thursday, August 25
Memorize Mother T., Phrase 2
For: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23
If you did not finish your "Emotional Scale"
in class, please complete it at home
this evening.
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23
Work on Lazzi Project
Group Form due tomorrow, Tuesday, August 23
Final Performance: Friday, August 26
Friday, August 19, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
6th Graders:
If you did not finish memorizing
Jabberwocky, Stanza #1, please
do so over the weekend.
For: Monday, August 22
Write or type Emotions assignment.
Refer to the list of emotions you were
given in class to help you.
Start with one or more emotion(s)
that you typically (on a daily basis)
experience. Write down how that emotion
feels in your body. Discuss how you express
that emotion through actions/behaviors.
Do the same with an emotion that you
are uncomfortable with, and an emotion
you enjoy experiencing.
Due: Monday, August 22
Work on Lazzi project.
Due: Friday, August 26
6th Graders:
If you did not finish memorizing
Jabberwocky, Stanza #1, please
do so over the weekend.
For: Monday, August 22
Write or type Emotions assignment.
Refer to the list of emotions you were
given in class to help you.
Start with one or more emotion(s)
that you typically (on a daily basis)
experience. Write down how that emotion
feels in your body. Discuss how you express
that emotion through actions/behaviors.
Do the same with an emotion that you
are uncomfortable with, and an emotion
you enjoy experiencing.
Due: Monday, August 22
Work on Lazzi project.
Due: Friday, August 26
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
6th Graders:
Finish memorizing Jabberwocky,
stanza #1
For: Tomorrow, Friday, August 19
Use EACH of the four vocabulary words
(reverence, creativity, perspective, and
portmanteau) in four separate sentences.
Type up and bring to class (or email Ms. P
this evening, if you don't have a printer).
Be sure to write your first and last name in
the top right corner, with tomorrow's date,
your section number and title your assign-
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, August 19
Read Mid-page 7 - Mid-page 12,
Commedia packet
For: Tomorrow, Friday, August 19
6th Graders:
Finish memorizing Jabberwocky,
stanza #1
For: Tomorrow, Friday, August 19
Use EACH of the four vocabulary words
(reverence, creativity, perspective, and
portmanteau) in four separate sentences.
Type up and bring to class (or email Ms. P
this evening, if you don't have a printer).
Be sure to write your first and last name in
the top right corner, with tomorrow's date,
your section number and title your assign-
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, August 19
Read Mid-page 7 - Mid-page 12,
Commedia packet
For: Tomorrow, Friday, August 19
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
6th Graders:
Write down on your Vocabulary sheet
what you think the word portmanteau
means. Then, look up the dictionary
definitions of the word and write them
down on your sheet.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 18
Memorize the first stanza of
For: Friday, August 19
No homework. Enjoy!
6th Graders:
Write down on your Vocabulary sheet
what you think the word portmanteau
means. Then, look up the dictionary
definitions of the word and write them
down on your sheet.
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 18
Memorize the first stanza of
For: Friday, August 19
No homework. Enjoy!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
6th Graders:
On your Vocabulary sheet, write
down what you think the word
PERSPECTIVE means. Then, go
look the word up in the dictionary
and write down the definition(s) that
the dictionary gives on your sheet.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 17
No homework! Enjoy. : )
6th Graders:
On your Vocabulary sheet, write
down what you think the word
PERSPECTIVE means. Then, go
look the word up in the dictionary
and write down the definition(s) that
the dictionary gives on your sheet.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 17
No homework! Enjoy. : )
Monday, August 15, 2011
Monday, August 15, 2011
6th Graders:
Memorize "Mother Teresa" (Mother T.),
Phrase 1 ~
People are often unreasonable, irrational,
and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
DUE: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 16
Prepare "talent" for tomorrow's class.
6th Graders:
Memorize "Mother Teresa" (Mother T.),
Phrase 1 ~
People are often unreasonable, irrational,
and self-centered. Forgive them anyway.
DUE: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 16
Prepare "talent" for tomorrow's class.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
6th Graders:
None. Enjoy!
Special R & R Weekend
Thanks for a terrific first week back, everyone!
6th Graders:
None. Enjoy!
Special R & R Weekend
Thanks for a terrific first week back, everyone!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Red Dot: Expanded
Thursday, August 11, 2011
6th Graders:
Look up the dictionary definition of
Creativity. Write it down on your
Vocabulary Sheet. If the definition does
not feel broad enough to you, "dig deeper":
put "Creativity quotes" in Google, and see if
you can find a quote that feels more explan-
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, August 12.
Read p. 3-top of 7, Commedia packet
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, August 12.
6th Graders:
Look up the dictionary definition of
Creativity. Write it down on your
Vocabulary Sheet. If the definition does
not feel broad enough to you, "dig deeper":
put "Creativity quotes" in Google, and see if
you can find a quote that feels more explan-
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, August 12.
Read p. 3-top of 7, Commedia packet
Due: Tomorrow, Friday, August 12.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
The Red Dot: 6th Grade Creative Arts
Creativity involves a special relationship with the materials and with the creative moment.
~ Tai Situpa
Art is not about thinking something up. It is the opposite - getting something down.
~ Julia Cameron

Today the sixth grade students were asked to paint just one red dot on a piece of paper. They could place the dot anywhere on the paper they chose. Then they were asked to put their brushes down.
Here are some responses to reflection questions the students wrote after their experience painting the dot...
What thoughts went through your mind when you were asked to simply paint one red dot on your paper?
I wonder why we are painting this red dot. I wonder if it will be simple or am I going to make a horribly ugly red blob out of what used to be a simple task. There is a lot more complication in thinking than doing.
I was wondering how I would paint iy and where on my paper I would paint it. I was also wondering, why does she want me to paint a red dot?
"A dot? What are we doing painting a dot?" But then I started thinking of possibilities and I cam down to the conclusion that Ms. Pitman was going to walk us through a famous painting.
I thought it was wierd. I also thought is was really easy but I kind of like painting so I thought I might like it.
After painting your dot, and after looking at everyone else's paintings, did your thoughts change?
No, not at all. I kept thinking it looks like those things you put on a letter.
They all looked the same at first glance, but each one was unique, like a zebra's stripes.
Yes, my thoughts changed. I can't believeit. That was kind of interesting to watch that all of our thoughts were so different.
The change that I saw was that the dot means a lot more than just a dot. It just occurred to me that so many amazing things can happen from one dot. Invention, architecture, etc.
Did you find yourself comparing your dot to others? In what way(s)?
Not comparing such as to perfection, but how others were so different. Some made it at the middle, some at the sides.
I did find myself comparing my dot to others because my dot wasn't very round. I saw some really round ones and some not so round ones. But I thought mine was the least round.
Yes. I was comparing the size, the shape, how much paint was used on the dot, and where they painted the dot.
I kind of compared my dot to others' based on shape. I noticed how some dots were perfect or had stray marks.
The students also responded to the quotes at the top of this post and how they related to their experience with the Red Dot activity.
For homework this evening, students are working on creating a picture using the Red Dot as either the starting point or the center of their work. I have no doubt that tomorrow there will be forty-three completely different works of art making their way into the Creative Arts classroom.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
6th Graders:
Create and complete your Red Dot picture.
Use either pencil, colored pencil, markers,
crayons, paint, or collage to create a picture
or design using the Red Dot as either the
starting or center point.
Have fun! Be creative! Let your imagination go...
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 10
Origins of Commedia packet reading
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 10
If you have not turned them in already,
ALL forms -
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 10
6th Graders:
Create and complete your Red Dot picture.
Use either pencil, colored pencil, markers,
crayons, paint, or collage to create a picture
or design using the Red Dot as either the
starting or center point.
Have fun! Be creative! Let your imagination go...
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 10
Origins of Commedia packet reading
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 10
If you have not turned them in already,
ALL forms -
Due: Tomorrow, Thursday, August 10
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
6th Graders:
On your Creative Arts Vocabulary sheet,
write down what you think the word
Reverence means. Then look up the
dictionary definition, and write that down
in the space provided on the same sheet.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 10
Read the Origins of Commedia packet
For: Thursday, August 11
If you have not turned them in already,
make sure to get the following forms to me
1) Parent Form
2) Permission to Post Photos on the Blog form
3) Student form
By: Thursday, August 11
6th Graders:
On your Creative Arts Vocabulary sheet,
write down what you think the word
Reverence means. Then look up the
dictionary definition, and write that down
in the space provided on the same sheet.
Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 10
Read the Origins of Commedia packet
For: Thursday, August 11
If you have not turned them in already,
make sure to get the following forms to me
1) Parent Form
2) Permission to Post Photos on the Blog form
3) Student form
By: Thursday, August 11
Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday, August 8, 2011
6th Graders:
Email Ms. P so that she has your email address.
Be sure to let her know if it is your personal
address or your parents'. Also: make sure you
sign your name (first and last).
Due: This evening, Monday, August 8
Take some time and think about and then
write a THOUGHTFUL aspiration for yourself
for your fall semester in drama. You may write
it on any type of paper you like, but you must
write it this evening (not as you are running
into class tomorrow).
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 9
Give your parents the Parent-Student
Handbook to read so that they can read
through it by Wednesday. Have them fill
1. The Parent Form
2. The Photos for Blog permission form
YOU need to fill out the student form and
be sure to write a one-paragraph to full-page
reflection on the back.
The two parent forms and your student form
are due back in class by Thursday, August 11
6th Graders:
Email Ms. P so that she has your email address.
Be sure to let her know if it is your personal
address or your parents'. Also: make sure you
sign your name (first and last).
Due: This evening, Monday, August 8
Take some time and think about and then
write a THOUGHTFUL aspiration for yourself
for your fall semester in drama. You may write
it on any type of paper you like, but you must
write it this evening (not as you are running
into class tomorrow).
Due: Tomorrow, Tuesday, August 9
Give your parents the Parent-Student
Handbook to read so that they can read
through it by Wednesday. Have them fill
1. The Parent Form
2. The Photos for Blog permission form
YOU need to fill out the student form and
be sure to write a one-paragraph to full-page
reflection on the back.
The two parent forms and your student form
are due back in class by Thursday, August 11
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Counting Down the Days...
Tomorrow, Monday, August 8, marks the first day of the TPA school year.
After a week of faculty meetings, I can tell you with a great deal of certainty:
the 2011-2012 school year is going to be a good one!
This September, Mrs. Joslin and I will be offering a (FREE) Audition Workshop on
Thursday evenings (September 1, 8, 15, and 22) from 6:30-8:30 PM. The workshop will offer etiquette tips, what materials you need and how to prepare (for both acting and singing auditions), what to do the day of an audition (and after an audition), opportunities to work on auditioning with prepared material and cold readings. Information will be posted during the first week of school and you can sign up for the workshop through Ms. Pitman.
The Senior Production in December is entitled Comedy Through the Ages and will feature each section performing a play from three different time periods: William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing (Renaissance), The Importance of Being Earnest (Victorian) by Oscar Wilde, and Neil Simon's Barefoot in the Park (1960's). The production will serve as the final for the 12th grade drama class.
In January-February, there will be an after-school workshop open to 8th grade students. Though the focus of the workshop is yet to be determined, the class will run for eight consecutive Tuesdays from 3:00-4:30 PM.
The dates have been slightly altered for the spring musical, Oklahoma! Auditions will begin at the end of January/beginning of February, with the first read-through scheduled for Wednesday, February 22 and regular rehearsals running through April 14. Tech Week begins Monday, April 16 with our opening performance on Thursday evening, April 19 and our final performance on Sunday afternoon, April 22. Detailed information will be provided at the beginning of January.
Looking forward to a terrific school year!
Ms. P
After a week of faculty meetings, I can tell you with a great deal of certainty:
the 2011-2012 school year is going to be a good one!
This September, Mrs. Joslin and I will be offering a (FREE) Audition Workshop on
Thursday evenings (September 1, 8, 15, and 22) from 6:30-8:30 PM. The workshop will offer etiquette tips, what materials you need and how to prepare (for both acting and singing auditions), what to do the day of an audition (and after an audition), opportunities to work on auditioning with prepared material and cold readings. Information will be posted during the first week of school and you can sign up for the workshop through Ms. Pitman.
The Senior Production in December is entitled Comedy Through the Ages and will feature each section performing a play from three different time periods: William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing (Renaissance), The Importance of Being Earnest (Victorian) by Oscar Wilde, and Neil Simon's Barefoot in the Park (1960's). The production will serve as the final for the 12th grade drama class.
In January-February, there will be an after-school workshop open to 8th grade students. Though the focus of the workshop is yet to be determined, the class will run for eight consecutive Tuesdays from 3:00-4:30 PM.
The dates have been slightly altered for the spring musical, Oklahoma! Auditions will begin at the end of January/beginning of February, with the first read-through scheduled for Wednesday, February 22 and regular rehearsals running through April 14. Tech Week begins Monday, April 16 with our opening performance on Thursday evening, April 19 and our final performance on Sunday afternoon, April 22. Detailed information will be provided at the beginning of January.
Looking forward to a terrific school year!
Ms. P
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